



Herbal Time Meal Replacement is the most innovative and fast way to lose weight, and stay fit naturally.
It is enriched with the most nutritious ingredients for a safe and healthy weight loss. This has been prepared by the expert medical professionals and is approved by Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI).

Product Quality Guaranteed!

Herbal Time Meal Replacement is the most innovative and fast way to lose weight, and stay fit naturally.
It is enriched with the most nutritious ingredients for a safe and healthy weight loss. This has been prepared by the expert medical professionals and is approved by Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI). This is highly rich in fiber and proteins and keeps your stomach fill for longer time while providing all the vitamins, minerals and nutrition required by your body. The rich content of 30 essential vitamins and mineral with high fiber reduces your craving for junk food while maintaining your natural appetite. It protects you from around 700 calories everyday as compared to your regular meals. So this is your perfect meal in a glass. Use it as the replacement of your breakfast, lunch and dinner and see the difference within 15 days. It is the most effective destroyer of unnecessary fats of your body.


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