
Is Surgery a permanent solution for Piles?? Can a surgery be avoided altogether? What can be the circumstances? Is ayurvedic medicine helpful enough?

This question has been troubling many of the patients in the India that are suffering from Piles or Hemorrhoids. Why it has been difficult to talk among the friends and relatives regarding piles? Why it has been regarded a taboo to discuss when almost 40 to 50% people are affected by this disease? Why are we scared to go to a doctor or take up a surgery?

Many such questions arise in the mind of a Piles patient. The main point to understand first is what are the causes of Piles/Hemorrhoids – First and foremost is the unhealthy lifestyle. The eating habits that we have developed- be it unlimited intake of spicy food, excess intake of fast foods and street food, overlooking prolonged constipation, pregnancy factors etc of them are counted to be the causes of Piles.

Even after knowing all these factors and symptoms we tend to overlook this problem somehow and gradually ignore the risk factors associated with them. The major risk of this disease could be – Rectal Cancer; Rectal Prolapse; Obesity; Anal Injury; Inflammatory Bowel Disease. The Dilemma of undergoing any kind of surgery is that there is no surety that the swelling or inflammation will not occur again. Yes it is a fact that Hemorrhoids can develop again if we still continue the bad eating and lifestyle habits.

It is always best to take a step as soon as you realize that you have this issue or you are diagnosed by Piles. Begin with controlling your eating habits. It is always best to add a laxative into your diet which will soften the stool and ease the process of defecating. Secondly it is strictly advisable to take up a good ayurvedic medicine that would encounter the issue and it will gradually shrink and tighten the swollen and inflamed tissues and hence stop the bleeding with time.